Initial Environmental Examination (IEE), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the Improvement of the Kumasi Inner Ring Road (3.5km)

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

PSS Urbania conducted the environmental assessment and project registration to support the acquisition of an environmental permit for the project. 

Some key activities included: Conducting a socio-economic profile of the project area, assessing affected households; Evaluation of social and natural environments and addressing pollution impacts; Conducting measurement surveys to anticipate and manage environmental impacts; Consultation with local stakeholders to ensure community understanding and consensus regarding the project's potential impacts and alternatives.

The team also prepared the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the management of involuntary resettlement impacts along the Kumasi Inner Ring Road corridor.

Some key activities included: conducting a gap analysis to align Ghana's resettlement policies with JICA guidelines; Conducting socio-economic, inventory of loss (IOL), and replacement cost surveys to gather baseline data and determine compensation rates; consultated with local stakeholders to ensure community understanding and consensus regarding the project's potential impacts and alternatives; and drafting the RAP report, including an entitlement matrix, livelihood restoration program, implementation schedule, grievance procedures, and budget estimates.